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BHK's Mama Confinement Care Capsules

$ 21.60
MCA Silver Award
Audience: Women who are recovering after giving birth

BHK's is the leading healthy supplementation brand from Taiwan with trustworthy nutritionists as our R&D team. We are recommended by professional pharmacists and have attentively taken care of over hundreds of thousands of moms in Taiwan and other countries. We are dedicated to pregnant women’s health from preparing pregnancy to postpartum care. Our products are based on the tenet of "sufficient dose and sensible result with no unnecessary additives". We have passed safety inspections from raw material selections to product manufacturing processes.

Postpartum is the period that mom recovers the body to get nutritions back after losing lots of energy by giving birth to the baby. The first 42 to 60 days are the most important period to nourish mommy’s body. Mom’s confinement period worries include weak immune system, sensitive mood, bad digestion, lack of sleep and energy, etc. BHK’s provides this convenient way for moms who are busy taking care of the baby and themselves in modern life.

BHK's Mama Confinement Care Capsules are formulated with love (high quality ingredients). French patented collagen with high absorption ability promotes wound healing and increases skin health. Extracted goji berry and red dates are the nutritious concentration to replenish energy and a rosy complexion. 19 types of enzymes boost digestion and increase nutrient absorption. Vitamin B12, folic acid and iron help erythrocyte production and the nervous system. Mom can be easily taken care of by low-calorie and zero-burden BHK's Mama Confinement Care Capsules.

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