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Mayor of Evercent Springs™

$ 42.99
MCA Gold Award
Audience: adults, teens

Mayor of Evercent Springs™ is the dynamic strategy game where tactics, luck and bribes are some of the tools to win.
After the people in Five Town County revolted against the Council, one Candidate from each of the four towns are, along with their seven Companions, competing to reach the door to Evercent Springs; to re-open the closed town as its Mayor.
It will be a tortuous road, and to stay in the competition, you need your Companions to keep your Candidate and the Silver Key safe.
You will not only meet opponents, but also corruption, Pubs, traps and a greedy Council doing what they can to put obstacles in the contestants’ paths.
At the start of the game, each Candidate has a Silver Key and one Companion from each town carries a Spare Key. If you lose both Keys, your hopes of becoming Mayor are over and you are out of the game.
The winner of the game is the first Candidate to unlock the door to Evercent Springs with their Silver Key.

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