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Sammy & Scarlett's Mangrove Adventure

$ 26.95
MCA Silver Award
Pricing Notes: $26.95 Hardcover, $16.95 Paperback, $2.99 eBook
Audience: Elementary Age

Sammy, a sergeant major fish and Scarlett a yellowtail snapper, are best friends who live in a sparkling tidal pool by the turquoise sea. They love playing together and exploring their colorful underwater world. But one day, something unexpected happens. A big wave carries them far away from home, out into the vast ocean. Now, these two little fish must stick together if they want to stay safe.
As they go on their adventure, Sammy and Scarlett learn something important. It's not how you look on the outside or the color of your scales that matters, but what's inside your heart. Even though they are small, they have big hearts.
This book is all about nature and the amazing things you can discover in the sea. It also teaches us the importance of teamwork. Sammy and Scarlett show us that when we work together, we can overcome any challenge and thrive.
Dive into this story that instills a love for nature, nurturing a generation of young environmentalists ready to make a positive impact. Get ready for an adventure you won’t forget.

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