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Wilson the Wombat and the Nighttime What-If Worries

$ 12.99
MCA Gold Award
Author(s): Amy Orlovich
Audience: Primary School children and adults who love them.

Wilson the wombat finds himself with a bedtime tummy ache of worry. Does your child struggle with worry too?

In this helpful book, written by a professional counselor, you will read the story of adorable Wilson the Wombat and his family, meet some of their unique Australian animal friends, and watch as he reminds his body and mind to relax so he can sleep.

You will also learn some incredible facts about the wombat (did you know they poop cubes?), and you will be taught how to help the kids in your life ignite the skills of self-regulation. You will be able to help cultivate those feelings of safety for your kids, from the knowledge and proven training of a licensed therapist.

This is a perfect read aloud book for kids at bedtime. It has three stories in one:

The story of Wilson the wombat and his family
Incredible facts about wombats and other Australian animals
And suggestions from a licensed counselor/therapist on how to help your child get to sleep even when the “nighttime what-if worries” creep in.
This multifaceted book is engaging, funny, and practical and helps kids and adults alike learn how to battle their worry and anxiety. You can help your child gain positive mental health practices they can utilize for the rest of their life.

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