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Inspiring Careers: Mommy's Shadow Conversation Starter Stacking & Nesting Building Cubes

$ 23.99
MCA Gold Award
Audience: Infants and toddlers

Stack ‘em up, knock ‘em down! The Upbounders® Inspiring Careers Mommy's Shadow building cubes are a stacking and nesting toy and conversation starter in one, making this a wonderful interactive educational learning toy for toddlers. With 10 stacking blocks of descending sizes, the beautifully illustrated cubes feature a diverse group of women in various family and career roles.

Each stacking cube features a conversational prompt for young children to inspire the next generation of astronauts, pastry chefs, firefighters, and more of the many inspiring professions Mommy’s Shadow Building Cubes explore. With whimsical conversational prompts, the educational toy helps toddlers and children aged 2 and above to develop their vocabulary range to express themselves in a safe and nurturing environment.

Designed by a mom for her child and yours, this Mommy’s Shadow Stacking Toy is designed exclusively for the movers and makers among our little ones – those who love nothing more than to build, learn, and share. With colorful numbers, letters, and delightfully diverse designs, you’ll spend hours laughing out loud with your littles as they develop before your very eyes. Improving vocabulary, and hand-eye coordination, and stimulating number, color, and shape recognition, the Stacking Toy is a stepping stone to success!

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