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Boppy Original Support Nursing Pillow

$ 45.00
MCA Gold Award
Audience: Adults

The Boppy Original Support Nursing Pillow offers ergonomic support for nursing, bottle feeding, and bonding. Its c-shaped design accommodates various feeding positions and aids in better latch and back relief. Machine washable with a removable cover, it's convenient for busy moms spending over 35 hours weekly breastfeeding. The beltless design ensures easy, one-handed placement, while the Miracle Middle panel provides comfort post-C-section. Hypoallergenic fill and a removable cover keep it clean, with additional covers sold separately. Not for sleep, it's designed for supervised awake-time. Consider the Boppy Best Latch Support or Boppy Anywhere Support Nursing Pillows for extended sizes. Follow AAP Safe Sleep Guidelines; never use for sleep.

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