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WrestleDreamia: A Boy’s Strange Journey Into The Squared Circle

$ 13.95
MCA Gold Award
Author(s): Daniel Boyd
Audience: Middle Grade

Breece Harris, a troubled, mixed-race 12-year-old, has been cut from his middle-school basketball team for a lack of discipline. A happy kid growing up, Breece has become a bitter adolescent, transformed by the recent sudden death of his father. His world turned upside-down when Brick Layer moved into their trailer park for his 1-month guest residency for a local Pro-Wrestling Federation.

Brick is known as the worst of bad guys, known as “heels” in the business. When he reluctantly agrees to train Breece, the boy quickly learns that “you can’t judge a book by its cover” as the thick, thoughtful layers of the perceived brute are revealed to him.

Breece slowly develops discipline and respect, but first, he has to survive the brutal training regime…

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