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Lindie Lou Adventure Series, Six Book Set

$ 78.77
MCA Gold Award
Author(s): Jeanne Bender
Pricing Notes: Paperback Set $70.33 Hardcover Set $78.77
Audience: Beginning Chapter Books

The Lindie Lou Adventure Series books have been described as a “gentle story-telling style and safe-for children.” Written at a 2nd-3rd grade reading level, the books include several color illustrations, large fonts, and short chapters. An adorable puppy named Lindie Lou who loves an adventure visits amazing places around the world. Each book includes actual geographic locations, historical events, and social emotional life lessons (SEL). In book one, Lindie Lou and her brothers and sisters are born in St. Louis, Missouri and experience a city museum before flying on an airplane to their forever homes. In the second book, Lindie Lou tours the city of Seattle, Washington and travels up in space at the famous Space Needle. Book three is an adventure on an organic farm in Des Moines, Iowa. The next book, Lindie Lou uncovers the secret of the big apple in New York City. The secret changes her life. Next, Lindie Lou travels above the arctic circle and tours the tundra with a polar bear cub in Svalbard, Norway. Book six Lindie Lou travels south of the equator where she discovers a shipwreck and searches for island treasure in New Zealand. During Lindie Lou’s travels she makes new friends and meets up with her brothers, sisters, and family when least expected. Lindie Lou is brave, develops self-esteem, courage, determination, and compassion for others. There is a Quick Quiz, Fun Facts, and Calendar of Events at the end of each book. Enjoy real-life adventures through the eyes of Lindie Lou.

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