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Did You Know?

$ 14.95
MCA Gold Award
Author(s): Norah Desy
Pricing Notes: $14.95 for 6x9 paperback. Pricing for the hardcover and 8.5x11 book and the ebook are different
Audience: School age

Are you smarter than a 2nd grader?  Did You Know? Facts by Norah is a chapter book written by 2nd grader, Norah Carminda Desy when she was 6 & 7 years old.  Chapters included: animals, science, grammar, and inspiration.

The illustrations were created by the A.I. App., Wonder, using key words and concepts from the text and approved by Norah.  

The book also includes funny quotes from Norah when she was between 4 & 7 years old.  Lastly, there is a section about the author written by her mom, Courtney Desy.

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