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The Truth About Stepmoms

$ 16.99
MCA Gold Award
Author(s): Renee Bolla
Audience: elementary school, grades 1st - 3rd

Stepmoms are evil.
Stepmoms are sneaky.
Stepmoms are witches in disguise…or so you heard.

But what if all you heard is far from the truth?

Join the adventure of a stepdaughter and stepmother as they discover the true magic of family in The Truth About Stepmoms.

The Truth About Stepmoms celebrates the precious bond that can grow between children and their stepmothers, debunking common stereotypes and fostering a positive understanding of blended families.

The story follows a young girl’s humorous yet heartfelt investigation as she attempts to uncover the truth about her new stepmom, Via. But to her surprise, she discovers that Via does not change into the wicked figure she heard about from friends, books, and movies but remains the same caring, fun-loving, and kind-hearted individual who brings love and joy to her life in unexpected ways.

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