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The Legend of The Two Santas

$ 12.99
MCA Gold Award
Audience: toddlers, pre-school, pre-teens

. "The Legend of the Two Santas" authored by esteemed educator Fred Tirrell, offers a unique twist on the timeless tale of Santa Claus and his Christmas Eve journey.

In Tirrell's enchanting narrative, Santa encounters an unexpected challenge while delivering presents around the globe. After sustaining a minor injury, he finds himself in need of assistance to ensure every child receives their cherished gifts. Enter a remarkable hero - a young boy who uses a wheelchair, demonstrating remarkable courage and determination.

This heartwarming story not only celebrates the spirit of Christmas but also highlights the power of inclusivity and the importance of helping others in need. As the handicapped boy takes the reins of Santa's sleigh, readers are taken on a remarkable journey filled with joy, compassion, and the true meaning of the holiday season.

"The Legend of the Two Santas" is a testament to the power of storytelling to inspire positive change and unite readers from all walks of life.

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