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Touring with Tinzie Jo and Brindley: Racing to Share Halloween Safety

$ 15.85
MCA Gold Award
Author(s): Connie Thornell
Pricing Notes: $15.85 Hardcover, $9.99 Paperback
Audience: Birth - 12

Come tour with the Touring Twosome who travel together each day, teaching life lessons and sharing friendship along the way. May the safety of Halloween, be part of your holiday routine. Book 4 in Touring with Tinzie Jo and Brindley Series: Racing to Share Halloween Safety

Magic steered us to the primary school. Each friend excited to share their rule.

SP-SP-UTTERSP-SP-SP-UTTER I rolled to an unexpected pit stop, and saw a water trail on the blacktop! Though, our arrival was delayed.Resourcefulness we all displayed. A lesson from the track: Knowledge is key- for safety.

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