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Fiona McPhee, Please Listen to Me!

$ 19.99
MCA Gold Award
Audience: preschool - elementary school

Struggling with a “too assertive” child? This book will help you teach them how to be a strong leader and harness their assertiveness while also learning how to collaborate and work with others.

“When friends work together, they all get to lead!”

Meet Fiona McPhee, a confident, creative, and outspoken girl. She likes to take charge—and she’s good at it! One day she and her friends begin a group project at school, but with Fiona taking the lead every step of the way, her friends Avery, Susa, and Talia don’t feel heard or included. To continue working together, Fiona must learn that everyone has unique talents and something to contribute, not just the outspoken ones who enjoy leading the way.


By learning alongside Fiona and her friends, kids will discover how to work together with everyone’s unique strengths. They’ll also learn some big words in the process! At the end of the book, you’ll find kid-friendly activities and information, including how to:

Be assertive without being bossy
Grow their confidence and communication skills
Build collaborative leadership skills

Come along with Fiona as she learns that working together with your friends is the best way for everyone to succeed!

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