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Sensory Bonding

$ 24.90
MCA Gold Award
Author(s): Diana Treeborn
Pricing Notes: There will be an additional paperback version with thicker paper on the market soon with a slightly more higher end price.
Audience: Infants, Toddlers and new Parents.

Prepare to be enchanted! This is a treasure trove of experiences for the new parent in your life. Whether it’s for a baby shower, a gift for yourself, or for the proud grandparents of a new arrival, this book promises to delight everyone.

Disclaimer: Engaging with the artwork in this book may cause your child to cheer, coo, clap, gurgle, and stare in fascination!

But the magic doesn’t stop there. Sensory Bonding also addresses common parental concerns with reassuring words. Questions like:

“Is it normal that my infant wakes a million times at night?”
“Why is my baby crying and how do I know what it means?”
“What can I do when big emotions come to visit?”
are all addressed within the book’s pages.

This sensory book breaks the mould by reinventing story and bonding time. It blends captivating artwork, enchanting nursery rhymes, and a wealth of ideas and support for parents. It’s a unique approach to fostering the cognitive development of infants and toddlers (aged 0-2), stimulating their imagination with mesmerising original artwork featuring high-contrast colours and intriguing patterns.

As a first-time mother, the author understands the rollercoaster of emotions - love, excitement, doubts, and uncertainties - that come with parenthood. She wished for a resource like this - a single, comprehensive book that could provide support and answers without the need to scroll through endless online articles and studies.

Each nursery rhyme is accompanied by a parent section which will keep you engaged and informed during bonding time. These sections offer insights into your child’s development, provide practical suggestions for navigating different phases, and give you a glimpse of what to expect as your little one grows into a toddler.

Unique Benefits:

Beautiful, stimulating artwork
Melodic and soothing nursery rhymes
A wealth of ideas and support for parents
Promotes understanding and kindness for the challenging moments
Keeps you off your phone during bonding time with your little one

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