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Pigs Have Wings

$ 17.01
MCA Gold Award
Author(s): Kathleen Welton
Pricing Notes: $17.01 Hardcover, $11.99 Paperback, $2.99 Kindle
Audience: 3-9

Pigs Have Wings is a touching tale of Miz Peg, who wants nothing more than to dance and sing. With short legs and big feet, it's harder for a pig than you would think. Peg gets all tangled up trying to twirl. Everyone laughs and tells Peg "don't you know, pigs don't have wings." Peg is finally able to leap in the sky when a baby bird lands on her head and shows her how to hip and hop. A wise owl helps her learn that we all have our own wings when we believe. From that day on, Peg dances with all her heart. She finds her own way to shine! With light-hearted rhymes and high-stepping illustrations, this tale is gentle inspiration for everyone who wants to find their own wings within-and imagine they can accomplish anything.

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