The Adventures of Kids United: The Glass Bridge invites young readers to join Gabby Giggly, Grace the Grateful, Sam Smarty, Max the Magnificent, and Josh the Jokester on a magical adventure where their unique talents come to life. In the heart of the Quad Cities, these five friends discover a mysterious bridge that leads them on an extraordinary journey beyond the clouds. With the help of space travelers known as Kids United, they use their individual strengths to repair a broken spaceship and uncover the true power of teamwork, creativity, and kindness.
As they return home, they realize that their newfound superpowers—rooted in their own unique abilities—are perfect for making their community a better place. This enchanting tale empowers young readers to dream big, celebrate their own special talents, and see themselves as everyday heroes capable of changing the world, one small act of kindness at a time.
Perfect for inspiring children to believe in their potential, The Adventures of Kids United is a story that will spark imagination and encourage every child to dream beyond the stars.
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