This heartwarming and playful read-aloud picture book introduces Roxy, an adorable three-legged dog who lost her leg due to illness. As she adjusts to her new way of life, Roxy spends her days dreaming of running and playing at the park again. Once she’s fully healed, her mom takes her to the dog park for her first outdoor adventure in a long time.
At the park, Roxy notices a dog sitting by himself, looking sad and unsure. Curious and kind, she approaches him and learns his name is Maliboo. He is missing an ear and feels different too! Roxy shares her own story of losing her leg and opens up about her feelings of fear and insecurity. Hearing her story inspires Maliboo to face his own fears and join Roxy in playing with the other dogs. To their delight, the other dogs welcome them warmly, embracing their unique features. Together, they realize that, on the inside, they are just like everyone else.
This delightful story gently teaches children important lessons about inclusion, kindness, and, most importantly, embracing differences. Through Roxy’s journey, readers are reminded that it’s okay to be different—and that our unique qualities can lead to beautiful friendships and exciting adventures.
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