Follow Samantha, a young violin virtuoso, as she leaves her luxury high-rise life to enter a world of self-discovery. In an instant her life will change. Up to this time, Samantha spent most of fourteen years in a cloistered, disciplined life practicing and playing her violin. Her journey starts when a majestic Bernese mountain dog entices her to an alluring arboretum, which opens to a lush forest. In this wondrous woodland, Samantha finds the world of Tressi and Ralph. Tressi is a remarkable twelve-old girl. She spends her time in the forest with Ralph Rabbit, a very large white rabbit. Ralph Rabbit, dressed in medieval prince clothing, is an ancient mentor to Tressi. Tressi and Ralph Rabbit follow a map to a magical treasure chest, which contains three volumes of tree knowledge compiled by Tressi with the help of her parents, Ralph Rabbit and forest gnomes. In the first book, Tressi and Ralph Rabbit introduce Samantha to a bristlecone pine and banyan tree. They explain and unravel t
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