Flexible Wings is a contemporary middle-grade novel that explores the lives of military children. The book delves into themes of sports, community and volunteerism as a way of supporting families through difficult times.
In Flexible Wings, Summer Stevenson is an eleven-year-old military kid who dreams of having a permanent home and swimming in the Olympics one day, just like her idol Olympian Lia Neal. But those things seem out of reach as her parents "the heroes" continually move the family from house to house like boxed-up toys.
After their last move, she thought her life would never change, but now the moving truck is idling in front of her house again, this time taking the family to Valencia, a small town in southern California known for its bike trails, roller coasters and great schools. But things aren't so great for Summer. She worries constantly that her fighter-pilot mom could be redeployed at any moment, and she struggles to make new friends, findin
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