Join a global Adventure...
In this EXCITING expedition, Camellia N. awakens deep in the jungle, guided by her newest furry friends...a peculiar GIANT otter named Otto, along with quirky cotton-top tamarin, QTipp, and Jacki, a vegan jaguar. Camellia N. discovers that the rainforest is home to half of the species of plants and wildlife on our planet... and learns the critical role that rainforests play in our planet’s climate.
"The Rainforest has some of the best-loved, memorable characters that children will fall in love with and want to read
again and again!"
"Beautifully written and simply enchanting!"
Other Award-Winning books in this series:
The Adventures of Camellia N. -The Arctic (Winner - Royal Dragonfly Best Green/Environmental Book)
The Adventures of Camellia N. - Under the Sea
Camellia N. Books are the recipients of the prestigious Mom's Choice Gold Awards
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