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Outfox The Kids For Fun And Profit

$ 0.00
MCA Silver Award
Author(s): R.W. Klamm
Pricing Notes: 13.00

It's fun to watch your children grow into responsible, productive adults; and can profit you much joy to know you have had an important part in the doing. Outfox the Kids for Fun and Profit by R. W. (Bob) Klamm can help you increase both the fun and the profit.Mr. Klamm, a master high school teacher for 20 years, and an award-winning author, has mentored children of all ages for over fifty years. He and his wife, Berniece, have guided their two sons through the hippie hazards of the sixties, the unrest of the seventies, and into the uncertainties of the eighties to establish stable, loving family relationships of their own.In Outfox the Kids for Fun and Profit, he shares his experiences in these entertaining, sometimes humorous true stories, fables, fractured fairy tales, and parables. All are little gems of wisdom pearls from the Klamm to help you with your little gems of joy.What a wonderful treasure to share with a spouse, or those new young parents down the street!

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